
Windows 10 weather app not working
Windows 10 weather app not working

Removed the Bing app package, re installed weather, no change Removed and re-installed graphics driver ( nvidia ) no change ARM !!! and there is where the issue lies, for whatever reason my system has created a W10 pro msn weather app shortcut pointing towards an ARM app meant for a phone and backed up from a phone ? go figure, now all i have to do is figure out how to sort it out

windows 10 weather app not working

no, not on my system ! somehow os app folders ( IT APPEARS ) have been created in a desktop folder simply named desktop\newfolder\removable disk\wpsystem\apps\windowsapps\microsoft.bingweather_3.1.4.438_arm_ wooooo hang on. not that easy to achieve but if you create a shortcut on the desktop of the app and go look at its properties you can find its full system file name, a cursory search on my machine found it or at least the folder that matched the shortcut file name and here lies a complete mystery, i would have expected to find the app or its components in a windows folder somewhere. So next was to trace the actual weather app. hazaaa you would think, no actually not really as the window closes again within seconds, but at least i briefly got to see info Ok so troubleshooting this my way it appears to be a Cortana issue somewhere, as mentioned the tile and shortcut display a white square briefly and then it closes with no info displayed BUT if i use Cortana, the top item is weather, click that to expand the area and there is a shortcut " see more in MSN weather " this opens the MSN weather app and it displays info which i have never seen before. To add insult to injury i have just burned through 2 tech support jokers who were clueless ? the first one read my issues and disconnected me, the second one was allowed remote access and the then disconnected me while running a sfc ? i guess the script in front of them didnt cover actual issues, one thing is for certain i wont be allowing remote access again, and on the sfc note, it found 2 errors which it auto repaired but nothing to do with weather, one was speech in the store and the other i think said about ownership of a file somewhere, apart from that a clean bill of health

windows 10 weather app not working windows 10 weather app not working windows 10 weather app not working

I have un installed it with the commeand line, re installed via store, i have checked firewall and it is allowed through, the msn weather app tile displays correct info but if i click the tile or shortcut it appears and disappears ? W10 pro, in place upgrade, the in built msn weather app just opens a white square and instantly closes displaying NO info in the short period it stays open, anyone else seen this, all other apps working correctly

Windows 10 weather app not working