In fact, you would be lucky to die simply from running from a horde of zeds before you get to a doorway with a strange man in a gasmask with giant googly eyes in a chicken suit closes the door and welds you in just to savor the sounds of you being shredded alive by dozens of zeds.

The levels dont mean much, because everyone has to play the game for a few hours in order to learn just a single perk to compete at the HOE level(regardless of level, or time to level.) I mean, your chances of getting into a group with 5 players who will carry you through to boss no problem, are much smaller than a group of a lvl 3 medic, 2 survivalists, and a smattering of other bozos who will sell everything you drop when you inevitably die. BTW OP, skipping the levels and then thinking you will go straight to sui/HOE, with a much better chance at success, will probably give you a rude awakening.